Monday, 15 July 2013

We're in Austria!

Hey folks,
So we finally got our hands on the internet again! Not that easy in the days of "you've got an iPhone, right?". So pretty much relying on cities big enough to have a library, which again seem to be disapearring since everyone's online! Anyway, the big news is we've made it down to Linz in Austria, with Vienna the next big stop on the trip. We spent two days hanging out in Regensburg, which is a beautiful city, very chilled out, and had a quick look around Passau, which is more set up for day trippers on their big fancy ferries rather than locals. Just uploading a few photos up until Passau, will put up more when get the chance!

The medieval fair in Neuburg

Stopped here because of serious headwinds. Now known only as mosquito alley!

Modelling the mug I got from Guarav!

The famous Weltenburg dark bier, brewed by monks...and tastes delicious

St. George and the Dragon

The Weltenburg Monastery


Inside Valhalla

Valhalla, and a garden!


  1. In Norse mythology, Valhalla (from Old Norse Valhöll "hall of the slain"[1]) is a majestic, enormous hall located in Asgard, ruled over by the god Odin.

    you really are an adventurous pair, aren't you!

    happy birthday Col! Did you manage to find a brewski somewhere to celebrate?

    love the photos!

    1. (that was from aidan by the way)

    2. Haha, ye I was wondering where they picked up the name from...i new it had quiet a bit of history behind it, maybe its a bit of an oversell for this hall, although it is mighty fancy! You,ll have to give ma and da tips on how to post to this, is there a trick to it...they tried a few times but no luck. Anyway, happy birthday to you! We,ll be travelling for the next 2wks or so to get to budapest so wont be at a computer. Hope you have a good one!

  2. Alreadyn in Austria! Impressive! xD Looks like you are enjoying! And you were finally lucky with the weather!

    Very nice pictures!



    1. Thanks Jorge! Ye we had it all worked out perfectly! :) Great to see you guys are followin the blog, i hope ye have a great time on you hols too! I,ll watch out for photos on facebook. Chat soon :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hallo ihr beiden!!

    Andrea, ich wünsche dir nachträglich noch alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Ich hoffe, ihr hattet's besonders schön am Montag! =)

    Ich habe es nicht hingekriegt, eurem Blog zu folgen. Wie macht man das? Ich hoffe, ihr habt euch in Wien trotzdem gut zurecht gefunden und einen Schlafplatz gefunden!

    Dieses verlängerte Wochenende genießen Pierre und ich auch in der Natur und fahren wandern in die Alpen und schwimmen im Walchensee!

    Eure Fotos sehen spaßig aus! Eine schöne Zeit weiterhin!
    Viele herzliche Grüße, Ella
